Wednesday 2 March 2016

Digipack Progress - Advert 1

As the team have split into different work stations in order to maintain this high progress, my team mate (Richard) was in charge of creating the advert poster part of the digipack. Below is what he has created so far.

So far, the advert is coming together pretty well. The team decided to sit down together and implement all of our ideas onto a post it note, which Richard will then add to. The two main issues in my opinion was the amount of space that needed filling at the top of the advert. An idea that I had was to place the reviews at the top instead of the bottom. Richard also suggested that there should be artist branding involved with the advert as the lipstick matches the front album cover. He then suggested that the artists 'K' should be placed onto the advert as it is a signature look for her. 

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