Wednesday 30 March 2016

Digipack Progress - Back Cover 5

Shazia has almost completed the first draft of the back cover for the digipack. 

Shazia has moved the billing block and record labels to the other side of the back cover, in order to put emphasis on the tracklist, which would be the focal point of the back cover, alongside the image of the artist.

Monday 28 March 2016

Digipack Progress - Advert 4 (Completed)

Richard has completed the advert portion to our digipack. He has decided to incorporate a subtle camo background in order to have the consistency of an 'army' feel to the branding. Below is an image of the completed advert. 

We could not be happier with how the advert has turned out. 

Friday 25 March 2016

Digipack Progress - Extra Panels

My group and I have decided to make the extra panels images of the 'backstage' scenery of Karma. Below are the two chosen images.

Thursday 24 March 2016

Digipack Progress - Back Cover 4

Shazia has made more progress on the back cover. 

She has added the record label '212 records', and has decided to divide the back cover background with grey.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Production Diary (Group Update) - 22/3/16

After discussing the issue of having less locations in the music video, my group and I have decided to FILM more footage. 

Monday 21 March 2016

Music Video Progress #4

As the 'feminine' segment of the music video has been filmed in the studio, I have placed the footage in the music video. Below is a screenshot of the music video so far.

Re-watching the video myself, I think that there needs to be more variety within the music video. Because I am the one editing the actual footage, seeing the music video from start to finish repetitively, I think that it does not seem enticing due to the fact that there are only two different locations and outfit changes with the artist throughout the whole music video (Car Park and studio). I am going to discuss this issue with my group and we will see what we can do in order to make the music video appeal and meet the conventions more.

Saturday 19 March 2016

Digipack Progress - Advert 3

My teammate (Richard) has merged the adaptations that me and Shazia have put forward, creating this (image below)

This advert is close to completion, however, the whole group thinks that the bottom part of the advert needs more detail as it looks quite plain

Thursday 17 March 2016

Behind The Scenes - Studio Session Photos


Digipack Progress - Back Cover 3

Shazia has made more progress designing the back cover of the digipack. Below is a screenshot. She has added the billing block, the tracklist and the barcode. As a team, we have decided to keep the 'K' background and use it throughout the digipack as a symbol of branding KARMA. 

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Friday 11 March 2016

Digipack Progress - Back Cover 1

My teammate Shazia has begun designing the back cover, extra panels and 'thank you' section, whilst Richard continues on working on the advert, cd and spine. I am deigning the front cover and am also editing the music video. As a group, we have selected the photos that we would like featured on the digipack. This is what Shazia has done so far.

Shazia has begun photoshopping the image by making Karma's lip purple - a significant symbol of her branding which allows the audience to recognise her. 

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Digipack Progress - Advert 2

My team mate acted upon the suggestions that me and Shazia gave him and created two different adverts below.

We think that the advert is almost close to completion as it looks extremely professional. We have made more suggestions, potentially merging those two ideas of the background branding and reviews in order to create a very strong advert. Richard has done extremely well so far.

Sunday 6 March 2016

Music Video Progress #3

My team mates (Richard and Shazia) and I have filmed our last section of the filler footage, which shows a masked boy playing drums with glitter on it. This was filmed a couple of days ago, and I have finally added the footage to the music video. Below is a screenshot of the drums.

The footage is much more difficult to edit because I need the drums to be playing the same time as the songs bass is. However, I can use the 'sequence clip' to slow or speed up the footage to match the song. 

Saturday 5 March 2016

Filler Footage Idea #3

An idea that my team mates (Richard and Shazia) and I had was using a drum kit with glitter on top in order to look mystical and create beautiful cinematography to use in the video. Below is a sneek peak preview of some of the footage of the drummer in his mask (as the footage of the drums is too large to upload in blogger). We were thankful to have a year 11 student that was able to play the drums to the beat of the song amazingly. The idea of having different masked people throughout the video is an idea that appeals strongly to my team and I due to the fact that it seems like Karma is inevitably building an 'army'.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Digipack Progress - Advert 1

As the team have split into different work stations in order to maintain this high progress, my team mate (Richard) was in charge of creating the advert poster part of the digipack. Below is what he has created so far.

So far, the advert is coming together pretty well. The team decided to sit down together and implement all of our ideas onto a post it note, which Richard will then add to. The two main issues in my opinion was the amount of space that needed filling at the top of the advert. An idea that I had was to place the reviews at the top instead of the bottom. Richard also suggested that there should be artist branding involved with the advert as the lipstick matches the front album cover. He then suggested that the artists 'K' should be placed onto the advert as it is a signature look for her.